PriceDrive is all about keeping track of the cost of using your car in real-timePriceDrive is all about keeping track of the cost of using your car in
PriceDrive is all about keeping track of the cost of using your car in real-time
PriceDrive is all about keeping track of the cost of using your car in real-time.
PriceDrive can calculate the drive cost of your car in real-time, using GPS. All you need to enter is your average fuel consumption and fuel type and you are ready to go. PriceDrive will track your location and show you how much you are spending in real-time. You can supplement your car profile with exploitation costs such as repetitive repairs or motor oil spendings. During ride you can add additional expenses like motorway fees. After the ride PriceDrive shows you detailed information about it, where you can see:
• fuel consumption
• fuel cost
• average speed
• total distance
• total ride time
• CO2 emission
• additional costs (e.g. exploitation costs)
The main features of PriceDrive:
• checking the driven distance and current speed using device location
• estimating fuel consumption
• comparing the cost of travel with different types of engines
• storing rides history
• displaying statistics
• updating fuel prices depending on your country
Why should you download PriceDrive:
PriceDrive can monitor fuel and vehicle maintanance expenses and can help count the cost of using you car by tracking your location (GPS signal). All gathered data (including fuel price, velocity, location, maintanace expenses) are used to display real-time estimation of your drive cost. If you have more than 1 vehicle you can compare how much money you are spending on either of them, and see which one to use in order to save money (fuel expenses are not the only expenses!).
Whenever you drive with other passangers, you can use PriceDrive to monior the travel expenses and then to calculate how much money each passanger should chip in to cover the cost of traveling.